It's been almost a year since I put my business and art on hold and I'm so excited about jumping back in! My husband and I both started new jobs and if that wasn't enough, we moved aswell. I finally feel settled in and am getting my creative mojo back. It's crazy how creativity can be drained from you when life is full of changes....I feel a renewed life with my art and look forward to sharing all my new pieces with you!
I will be introducing a new "line" this year....Illuminated Glass Art!!! I have been working on creating a TON of these beauties and am using them in contemporary and funky lighting designs!
They are much bigger than they appear in the picture!!! Some of them are as big as the palm of my hand!!! The ideas are flooding my mind and I can't seem to make these beauties quick enough!!! My first design is almost complete and I can't wait to show it to you!!! Stay tuned!